Heading into the holidays!

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Their old familiar carols play
And wild and sweet, the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men.
What’s on YOUR Christmas list?
Maybe you’re stressed with what to buy everyone, what to cook for dinner, how to celebrate with family and friends. Perhaps your job is hectic, or there are changes coming that you don’t particularly like. Maybe you’re just fed up with the pandemic yet alarmed at the rising case numbers. Maybe, if you’re like me, you’re wondering what the future will be like, once the craziness is over.
With everything demanding your attention, especially this year, it’s easy to stray away from the real meaning of Christmas and the joys that the season should bring.
Because, really, Christmas is not about things… it’s about being good to one another, commemorating the birth of a child. The most important day for Christians.
For those who have or know children, all we need to do is look at the world through the eyes of a child. Filled with wonder, innocence, hope, trust and a huge dose of love. If we let ourselves be children for a moment, the world doesn’t seem such a messed-up place.
As we contemplate 2020 — likely the worst year of most of our lives, it would be good to consider what it has taught us. What we’ve learned, who we love and why, what’s important in life. It might just cause us to be thankful for this year rather than curse it.
Maybe this is a good time to re-think our own future. The pandemic has certainly uncovered the drawbacks of certain professions, for example. Life is short and precious — shouldn’t we care for this gift of life and enjoy it instead of destroying ourselves stressing for most of it — just to attain power, money, status, or to satisfy tradition or others’ expectations? Keep it simple, cherish the things that matter — health, family, spirituality, peace, sharing. This equates to happiness and yes, success!
In the days leading up to the holidays, I hope we all set aside a few hours each day to do nothing, to cozy up with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, curl up in front of the fire (or the TV), hang out (indoors) with loved ones, enjoy the simple pleasures of the season, and celebrate living!
Many aspects make up the Spirit of Christmas. Giving, hope, good cheer, love, understanding, forgiveness, goodwill towards everyone.
Christmas is love in action: it’s about loving others. Why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?
On my Christmas list this year (and every year) is — continuation of the gift of life. And along with that, health, peace, happiness and love. And who’ll bring me those?
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my readers!! I send love and good wishes for a healthy, peaceful and happy 2021 — one decidedly better than 2020!
_Email me at: bernadette@gogettercoaching.com _